Lawn Aeration and Fertilization: The Ideal Combination for Healthy Grass
Healthy root systems are essential for healthy grass, which necessitates lawn aeration and fertilization.
A truly healthy lawn necessitates far more than mowing. A well-kept lawn necessitates a great deal of attention and a thorough understanding of the factors that keep your grass healthy all year. Caring for your lawn can feel like a full-time job, from integrated pest management to fertilization and lawn aeration. To save time, you may be tempted to skip some of the most beneficial lawn care.
We’ll look in depth at lawn aeration and fertilization, as well as why going the extra mile for your lawn is a wise investment.
Borst Landscape & Design can take care of your lawn with weekly maintenance and a full range of customizable lawn care services. We do it the natural way, so you and your loved ones can enjoy it safely, whether you need mowing, fertilizing, lawn aeration, pest control, or anything else.
For the best lawn care in Bergen County, contact the experts at Borst today. It is simple to set up our fully customizable lawn care and maintenance services.
Your lawn is a natural extension of your house.
Nothing beats the appearance of a lush green lawn. Your lawn is like your home’s calling card, bringing you curb appeal, increasing the value of your home, and creating an appeal you can be proud of.
You want to spend time outside, which is why it’s critical to provide your lawn with the nutrients it needs for strong grass growth, healthy root systems, and weed control.
Lawn aeration and proper fertilization go hand in hand when it comes to the healthiest, happiest grass. After all, the health of your grass is only as good as its root systems.
Aeration and fertilization of lawns
Borst provides the following comprehensive natural fertilization services:
Lawn Aeration Through Natural Means
Lawn aeration, when done twice a year, allows nutrients and oxygen to reach the roots of your grass. Without lawn aeration, grass can become cramped and crowded, depriving roots of both air and water, as well as limiting access to the nutrients plants require to thrive.
Developers and Root Stimulants
When applied on a regular basis throughout the season, these compounds promote strong, deep roots that protect against drought, insects, and disease. As with most landscaping problems, it’s best to be proactive. Maintaining strong, healthy root systems provides your grass with the protection it requires in the event of harsh weather or pests.
Supplementary Micronutrients
These essential nutrients are critical for a healthy lawn and are applied three times per season as part of our Optimum Organic Lawn Fertilizer Service. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are the three primary nutrients for a healthy lawn, but secondary nutrients such as sulfur are also necessary for lawn health.
Our organic fertilizers are biodegradable, which adds to their advantages. They release nutrients as they decompose and actually improve the structure of the soil, increasing its ability to hold water and nutrients.
Borst is your partner in maintaining a naturally healthy lawn.
Borst’s science-based approach works in tandem with nature’s built-in system of checks and balances. Contact us today to speak with our knowledgeable organic lawn care team or to ask any questions you may have about yard maintenance. We are always willing to assist!.