Getting Started in Ornamental Gardening

Written by Admin and published on

Plants “ ornamental or edible “ help sustain life on the Earth. Indoor and outdoor plants improve the aesthetics of our homes and offices, and also contribute towards a greener planet. While edible plants add in a big way towards our nutritional sustenance (sense of taste), ornamental plants appeal to some of our other senses benefiting us in numerous ways.

Basics of Ornamental Gardening

Part 1: Basics of Ornamental Gardening


Ornamental gardening can be simply defined as planting various plants on a piece of ground from and for an artistic point of view. This entails designing such a garden to follow given patterns for a general pleasurable look. An ornamental garden therefore is one that is planted purely for aesthetic value.
History is decked with many famous types of ornamental gardens. A few of these are the Versailles of France, Keukenhof Gardens Netherlands or Ryoanji Zen garden in Kyoto Japan.

Uses of ornamental gardens

These gardens make surrounding buildings more visually interesting. For institutions devote to contemplation, especially religious institutions,  ornamental gardens provide locations with ambient environment for meditation.

Ornamental gardens are also used for pleasure and  recreation. The ancient ‘Hanging Gardens of Babylon‘ were made for pleasure – a gift to the Babylonian king’s love. They are also established not only for thepleasurable aspects but also for botanical studiessuch as the Keukenhof in Netherlands.

Benefits of ornamental gardens.

Ornamental gardens are pleasant to be in and are used for activities such as sports, concerts and weddings. Pleasantly manicured lawns, hedges and a myriad of flowers and plant make these gardens attractive. For others, they are the perfect grounds for meditation purposes.
They help regulate the micro-climate around them: Plants’ ability to enrich air of oxygen and rid it of toxins is immeasurable. They also add onto the atmospheric humidity levels for a cooler and cleaner location to be in.
The gardens are also a habitat for birds, insects and other creatures. What more diversity would you wish for than a complete and rewarding ecosystem such as these?

Layout of ornamental gardens

The layout an ornamental garden takes is dependent on the following factors:

  1. Climate.
  2. Plants involved.
  3. Surrounding architecture and their uses.
  4. Intended use of the garden such as in the case of meditation Zen gardens.

There are many types of ornamental gardens that one can make for various uses be it at home or for commercial use. Whichever way you go, remember that nature is the best gift that you can grant your heart, mind and body, especially in this age of concrete jungles.

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