The Benefits Of A Cottage Style Garden

A cottage styled garden is quite a favorite of ours when done the right way. You need to have the right kind of property and space to come up with the right design. There is always a very homely feel about them and they always seem warm and inviting.

In the following article by Deb Wiley she explains the different elements that go into creating a beautiful cottage style garden. She also describes the 18 best plants to use in a cottage garden.

Cottage-Style Landscape Design

“The exuberance of a full-fledged cottage garden always enchants. Curving pathways lead to abundant flowerbeds. A relaxed atmosphere prevails. Often, a picket fence functions less as a corral and more as a beautiful prop to showcase the plants.

Although Mother Nature rarely creates spaces quite this gorgeous, a cottage-style landscape appears perfectly natural. The overall effect is one of simplicity, charm, and riotous bounty.

A cottage-style garden may appear to be naturally crafted and slightly out of control, but in fact, it follows a few simple rules. Use these landscape design ideas to create a look that will make any home seem like a sweet cottage.

Curving Paths and Lines

Cottage-style landscape design is relaxed and loose, not rigid or formal. To enhance the air of informality, curve the pathways and flowerbed edges. Curves entice the visitor to move farther into the garden to see what is around the bend and discover the mysteries hidden inside. Encourage plants to drape over the edges of the beds, softening the lines.

Packed Beds

Cottage gardens originated in Europe where peasants grew their favorite plants — beautiful as well as practical — in small spaces. For your cottage garden, always select plants that grow easily in your area. Growing plants from cuttings or divisions that originated with friends and family keeps with the spirit of cottage gardens.

Learn how to divide perennials.

Place plants as close together as you can without causing them to smother each other. This style of planting has the benefit of crowding out weeds. Add compost each year so the soil has enough nutrients to support a large plant population. To help with weed control and moisture retention, mulch the beds with organic material that breaks down and adds nutrients to the soil.

Get tips for making your own compost!

Avoid placing plants in regimented lines or patterns; cottage-style landscape design relies on plants appearing to tumble about with abandon.

Old-Fashioned Plants

A cottage garden should express both joy and purpose. The original cottage-style landscape designs placed beautiful bloomers of varying heights right next to native plants, herbs, and ornamental vegetables.
Color schemes follow no rules, varying from a soothing pastel plan of pinks, blues, and yellows to an intense riot of reds, oranges, purples, silvers, and more.
Plants with multiple petals, such as roses and peonies, are cottage-style favorites, and they have the added benefit of sweet scent. Contrast heights within beds by using spiky classics such as foxgloves and delphiniums.”

Read the full article here…

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